What is WordPress?

WordPress is regarded as the most desirable app accessible online. It has over 46.000.000 yearly downloads and already is the application powering over 18% of all of the web sites that are available on the internet. Although it started as an uncomplicated blogging platform, it swiftly turned into a fully–featured CMS through which you’re able to create any kind of website.

WordPress’ dominance owes a great deal to its proactive community. This community has released a plethora of free of cost WordPress themes, plugins adding cutting edge functionality and sites committed only to WordPress.

WordPress is a trademark of the WordPress Foundation and is not affiliated with MSRV Technical Services.

WordPress–Optimized Hosting Services with a Point–and–Click Control Panel

As previously noted, WordPress is really popular and currently, 1 out of 4 sites is run by WordPress. This has stimulated a greater requirement for quality WordPress Linux website hosting packages solutions. Which is why we provide WordPress–optimized Linux website hosting packages services. With MSRV Technical Services, you could have WordPress installed right at sign–up. You’ll have a 99.9% uptime guarantee for your site and a 24/7 technical support service.

You’ll be capable to regulate all that is related to your web site and also to your domain name from just one location – our very own Web Site Control Panel. It’s incorporated into our WordPress–optimized Linux website hosting packages packages. It supplies you with loads of tools to aid you in controlling your WordPress site. You’ll get a File Manager that offers drag–and–drop file uploads, a Database Manager which allows 1–click database backups to be carried out, and much more.

Free WordPress Themes

Each WordPress–optimized Linux website hosting packages package has a number of zero cost WordPress design templates, that you can download out of your MSRV Technical Services Control Panel.

All the WordPress web themes have virtually unlimited design options, and so are good for showcasing your collection of works, including media materials like photographs, movies and podcasts. Our themes are visually aimed at specific ideas, nonetheless you’ll be able to entirely change up the design and style elements of the selected theme to your particular needs.