Administration Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • When you’re very busy working on your web site or developing your applications, you scarcely have enough time to monitor what’s going on with your virtual server – whether it is under excessive load or whether all the tasks are running okay. With our Administration Services solution, we’ll take care of that instead of you. Your virtual server will be added to our custom–built server monitoring system and if ever there is a trace of a trouble, our skilled tech support engineers will be alerted automatically.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • Having a backup copy of your hosted content is mandatory – you never know when something would go wrong. And using the Administration Services solution, you can enjoy every week backups of your entire VPS, not only of your content, without you having to install or configure anything. What’s more the backups are always saved on a server with a group of RAID–configured hard drives. As a result your content will always be protected, no matter what happens.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • With a Linux VPS Package, you will have total freedom to run any kind of script or service on your it. Yet, certain scripts are harder to install and may require some extra configuration on your part. This is where our Administration Services deal will come in real handy. It includes thirty minutes of installation & problem–solving duties – which means you’ll be able to basically hire one of our knowledgeable server administrators for 30 minutes and have him help you with the installation of any software program that you desire. And/or have him rectify a problem that you’re having with your Virtual Private Server.

    The Administration Services package comes bundled with most of our OpenVZ Linux VPS Packages and it is an extra feature for the KVM Linux VPS Packages.

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