We offer you a convenient–to–use Database Manager, incorporated inside our Web Site Control Panel, from where you can make brand–new MySQL and PgSQL databases in an instant. In addition, you’re able to oversee all of their configuration settings with the easy access offered to the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software instruments.

Clean and Simple Interface

Maintain all of your databases from within one location

The Database Manager within our Web Site Control Panel incorporates a powerful but still user friendly interface. You can easily configure a brand new MySQL or PostgreSQL database by just entering a username and password. What’s more, you can create a back–up file or customize the security password of your database with merely a mouse click.

With the Database Manager you will possess direct access to the administrator area for all your databases, which means you can make hassle–free alterations if you ever need to.

Hepsia File Manager

Straightforward Database Backup

Protect your database content with only a mouse click

Assuming you have dealt with databases, you know that generating a manual database backup is just not a simple task. In order to change this, we’ve created a simple tool that can back up your complete database with simply one click of the mouse. The data backup file shall be prepared for you in under a minute, with regards to the size of the selected database.

You won’t notice any restrictions on the amount of backups you can make for any specific database.

Hepsia File Manager

Support for PgSQL

Guaranteed security for your databases

PgSQL databases are less famous compared to the standard MySQL databases. Even so, they’re a preferred selection for designers who are looking for the greatest stability for their websites and web applications. Through the incredibly user–friendly Database Manager included in the MSRV Technical Services Control Panel, you can control all your PostgreSQL databases with simply a click of the mouse.

You will find PgSQL databases integrated by default with the advanced Linux website hosting packages packages. If you are using a standard hosting package, you can request PgSQL databases to be included in your website hosting account as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The brand new face of MySQL

With MSRV Technical Services, you’ll always discover the newest release of MySQL along with the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, installed.

InnoDB is definitely more stable than the earlier storage engine’s edition – MyISAM. It’s ACID–compliant and, most importantly – it includes full transaction support. Additionally, it takes advantage of row–level locking, as an alternative to MyISAM’s table–level locking, that seemed to result in functionality troubles at peak usage periods.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

In depth statistics for all of your databases

With the complete database statistics tool built into the Web Site Control Panel, it will be possible to keep tabs of the load generated from your busy sites 24 / 7. Any overload problem with your sites can lower the loading speeds and have a negative influence over the overall experience of your website visitors. Consequently, by having details for the database load instantly, it is possible to mend overload troubles promptly.

The database data interface reveals details of the quantity of daily, hourly and monthly queries, so its possible to assess the way the load is distributed over different time frames.

Hepsia File Manager