Varnish is a website accelerator, which has been gaining a lot in popularity lately, as it can increase the loading speed of any website, sometimes even by one hundred percent, depending on the content itself. This tool is occasionally referred to as a caching HTTP reverse proxy too and is used to reduce the overall server load and to accelerate the browsing speed for the site visitors. Anytime a visitor opens a page on a given Internet site, the browser request is handled by the web server and the requested info is delivered as a reply. If the Varnish accelerator is enabled, it caches the web pages that the visitor browses and in case any of them is accessed again, it is served by Varnish and not by the server directly. The increase in the overall performance is due to the fact that the accelerator processes the browser requests substantially faster than any web server, which leads to much faster browsing speeds for the users. In case any content is edited in the meantime, the cached pages will also be updated the next time someone attempts to open them.
Varnish in Website Hosting
Varnish comes as an optional upgrade with each Linux website hosting package and if you want to use it, you can add it to your account through the Upgrades menu in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. There’re two separate features that can be upgraded – the instances and the memory. The first one depends on the number of the Internet sites that you’d like to use Varnish for and the second one, which is offered in increments of 32 MB, indicates the maximum amount of data that the platform can store at any given time. Hepsia’s user-friendly GUI will permit you to stop or to reboot any instance, to see in-depth system logs or to get rid of the platform’s cache with just one click. For optimal results, you can employ a dedicated IP for the sites that will use the caching platform. With Varnish, your Internet site will open significantly faster, meaning more happy website visitors and potential customers.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages include Varnish by default, so you can use the website accelerator and accelerate the loading speed of any website that you host on our platform. You’ll get 64 megabytes of system memory dedicated to the Varnish accelerator at no extra charge and you will be able to enable an instance with no more than a few clicks of the mouse via the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with the semi-dedicated plans. If you want more memory, the latter is offered in increments of 32 megabytes in the Control Panel’s Upgrades section and it will be at your disposal right away. You can also order more instances as a separate upgrade, so you can choose whether a lot of content will be cached for a single site or whether the available memory will be utilized by several sites. The Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to restart or to terminate any instance, to view the system log file associated with it or to clear the cached content using single-click buttons. To get the most out of the Varnish accelerator, you can assign a dedicated IP address to the sites that will employ it.
Varnish in VPS
You can take full advantage of the workload balancing capabilities of Varnish with any of our Linux VPS packages when you choose Hepsia as your Control Panel. The Varnish data caching platform is offered by default and the amount of memory that it will be able to use to cache your site content is dependent on the particular Virtual Private Server plan that you have chosen, but even with the less powerful plans, you will have no less than several hundred MB of system memory at your disposal solely for data caching purposes. This amount is enough to enhance the work of numerous sites. It’ll take some time for you to detect the results, as the Varnish platform caches the content that site visitors request, but shortly after that you will notice the significantly reduced load on your virtual server and the increased site browsing speed. The Varnish platform will permit you to make use of a lower-end Virtual Private Server package for Internet sites which would normally need a more expensive hosting solution.
Varnish in Dedicated Hosting
All Linux dedicated hosting that are ordered with the in-house developed Hepsia web hosting Control Panel feature Varnish, which is among the pre-installed software platforms that you will get with the machine. The Varnish platform can be set up and managed with ease through Hepsia’s intuitive GUI and, with no more than one click, you can check an in-depth log, create or restart an instance, delete the cached content associated with any site and much more. Soon after you configure Varnish for a particular domain or subdomain, it will start caching the pages opened by the website visitors and once it has cached enough web content, you’ll observe a significantly faster site performance and a lowered load on the server. With Varnish-dedicated virtual memory starting at 3 GB, you will be able to use the software platform for load distribution purposes even if you host a huge number of Internet sites on your server.