In case you decide to work with a PostgreSQL-driven script application on any of your websites, you should have an adequate amount of database storage for it, to make sure that even when your site expands, it'll run efficiently and without disorders. Putting extra products to an electronic shop or extra comments to a discussion forum are just two samples of what can expand your databases. Should you run out of space at some point, the overall performance could decrease or the site may not be reachable at all as a result of the fact that if the storage limit is reached, the script won't be able to keep new content within the database - user-generated or system one. Since PostgreSQL is designed for scalable web apps, it's more than likely that if you use this type of database for your website, you'll need more space for it as your site expands.
PostgreSQL Database Storage in Website Hosting
All our Linux website hosting packages were created with the notion to give you an opportunity to choose the ideal features based on the type of sites you would like to host. If you don't need PostgreSQL databases, for instance, you can choose a plan that does not contain this system by default. Should you change your opinion later or if you'd like to have PostgreSQL from the start, you can always obtain one of the packages that include PostgreSQL support. The plans provide plenty of storage for your databases, so even if your sites get bigger, you will not encounter any kind of problems, as some plans come even with unrestricted space. For the entry-level packages, the PostgreSQL storage can be upgraded with a few clicks from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel.
PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you order a semi-dedicated server from our company, you'll take advantage of our powerful cloud web hosting platform. Due to the fact that the databases have their separate cluster of servers and do not run on the same machines as the server or the email addresses, any script-driven website which you host here will work far better than if it was hosted on a server where different processes run. The cloud website hosting platform is also the reason why we can afford to offer unlimited storage space for the PostgreSQL databases created in each semi-dedicated hosting account. You'll be able to see the size of the databases you create inside your Control Panel, both the individual for each one and the overall, but you will not be restricted in terms of what amount of space they could take, therefore all your PostgreSQL-driven websites can grow without any restrictions.