Whois Privacy Protection, occasionally also called Privacy or Whois Privacy Protection, is a service that hides the real contact info of domain registrants on WHOIS websites. Without this service, the name, postal address and email of any domain owner will be openly available. Giving fake info during the domain name registration process or altering the real information afterwards will simply not work, as doing such a thing may result in the registrant losing his/her ownership rights. The policies approved by ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, require that the WHOIS details must be correct and up to date at all times. The Whois Privacy Protection service was launched by domain name registrars as an answer to the increasing concerns about possible identity theft. If the service is activated, the domain name registrar’s contact details will be displayed instead of the domain registrant’s upon a WHOIS lookup. Most domain names support the Whois Privacy Protection service, even though there are certain country-code ones that don’t.